• Armoured Bulletproof Nissan Patrol Jordan

    ARMOURED B6 Level Nissan Patrol

  • Armoured L11Volvo A30D Earth Moving Equipment

    STANAG 4569 L11Volvo A30D

  • Armoured Bulletproof Chevrolet SUburban Jordan

    ARMOURED B6 levelChevrolet SUburban 2500

  • Armoured Bulletproof Bus Jordan
    ARMOURED high occupancy bus
  • Armoured Kawasaki 95Z Earth Moving Machinery
    STANAG 4569 L|| Kawasaki 95Z
  • ASV PANTHERA - Armoured Personnel Carrier

ASV-ME is a specialised manufacturer of high quality armoured vehicles. Our cars are the perfect choice for a variety of customers including military and peacekeeping forces, police forces, border patrols, security companies, NGO's, embassies, and all organisations and individuals living and working in hostile or high-risk environments.

  • Armoured Bulletproof Vehicles Jordan
  • Armoured Bulletproof Vehicles Jordan
  • Armoured Bulletproof Vehicles Jordan
  • Armoured Bulletproof Vehicles Jordan
  • Armoured Bulletproof Vehicles Jordan
  • Armoured Bulletproof Vehicles Jordan